Hydro power project
Tsankov kamak
The project is of national im-portance financed by con-sortium of Austrian banks. It is the first pilot project under the joint implementation scheme to the Kyoto Protocol based on a Memorandum of Under-standing between the Republic of Bulgaria and the Republic of Austria. The project aims the development in the middle sec-tion of the Vacha Cascade and adequate utilization of the available hydro power potential along the river valley Vacha.
• water pipelines 
• central heating systems 
• installation collectors 
• electric supply
• residential buildings
• administrative buildings
• plants
• storage facilities
• tunnels
• shafts
• mine works 
• ore palnts
• infrastructure of mine structure complexes
• pithead frames and winding towers
• compressor and ventilation equimpment
• industrial buildings 
• opencast mining
• exploration and drilling 
• fire-resistant insulating materials
• congesting materials
• insulation bands 
• insulation tubes
• insulation profiles
• aluminium - steel conductors
• cable fitting 
• conductors with silicon insulation
• electric materials 
• electric panels 
• insulating materials