Hydro power project
Tsankov kamak
The project is of national im-portance financed by con-sortium of Austrian banks. It is the first pilot project under the joint implementation scheme to the Kyoto Protocol based on a Memorandum of Under-standing between the Republic of Bulgaria and the Republic of Austria. The project aims the development in the middle sec-tion of the Vacha Cascade and adequate utilization of the available hydro power potential along the river valley Vacha.
In harmony with nature!
MINSTROY carries out design and construction, delivery and mounting of equipment, manufacture of non-standard metal structures and installations, both as independent activities or as complete engineering "key-in-hand" projects in mining, engineering infrastructure and main pipeline installations.
MINSTROY has substantial experience in building of modern hotel complexes and infrastructural sites. The structure of the company includes the "Institute for building and mining" that is equipped with modern installations and has at its disposal highly qualified managerial, technical and engineering personnel dealing with mining and construction. The company carries out a wide range of eploration and draft works. 
The organizational structure of the company is such as to ensure attracting the most appropriate necessary sub-contractors depending on the territorial location of the representative sites, as well as additional resources from other companies. MINSTROY also carries out design, building and construction, and foreign-trade activities abroad: projects have been implemented in Germany, Russia, Algeria, Tunisia, Nigeria, Macedonia, Somalia etc.